How Faith Works

Faith isn't driven by your confidence, but in your ability to believe in God, even when you may not believe.
Faith is driven by your words.
Every single word that comes from your mouth. Whatever comes from your mouth is either growing your faith or killing your faith. When you are under pressure, what are you saying? Are you claiming confusion, fear, and anxiety? Or are you claiming clarity, courage, and authority? When life is trying to press you down, are you speaking to the mountain or are you simply hoping God crushes it for you? You cannot, in good times, claim God is good, God is faithful and God is just... to only in the bad times begin to claim that fear has a grip, nothing is getting better, and you are all alone. Even when you cannot see it, you have to believe, in faith, that if you asked then it is yours. Not that it will be yours, but it is yours right in the moment you asked. It is not faith if you can grab hold of it. Faith is believing for what you cannot even see yet. You have to proclaim that what you are asking of God is already yours. God wants to bless you. God wants you to believe Him for more. God wants you to receive. God wants to heal you. God wants to bring the prodigal in your life back to Himself. Yet, in your faith, you have to remember that you once had to ask God to come into your life and begin to change it. The one thing that can rob you of what God is pouring out into your life through your faith is unforgiveness. Forgive. Because you have been forgiven. Because sometimes taking the wrong to have peace is more important than being right. According to the bible, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is not assurance that you can. Faith is assurance in who God is. Faith is when your health is failing, but your God still reigns. Faith is knowing God needs absolutely nothing to cause you to produce what He's planted within you and what you've planted in faith. Without faith you cannot please God. Walk in faith. Proclaim faith. Believe that God is acting right now and breathing life into the very places you are believing Him to touch. Your faith can move mountains. Have faith to believe you can, simply because of who He is. Scripture Reference: Mark 11:22-25 Hebrew 11:1-6