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 Raising up the young 

 So they may grow to be 


Welcome to NextGen!

Where All Ages Love To Come!

There is so much power in a teen who knows exactly who they are in Christ...who will worship with all of their heart no matter who's around! This is what we love to see, and we do our best to coach, train, and teach them (by the Word of God) to be secure in who He's called them to be while making wise decisions in their maturing life.

Service -  2nd and 4th Saturdays 4-7pm
Class -  Wednesday 7-7:40pm (Before Worship)
Class -  Sundays after Worship   (9am)

Children are hungry for God.  They want to experience the reality of Him in their lives.  Our goal in Children's Church is to train, build, and equip the children in a firm foundation of the Word of God.  We minister with object lessons, puppets, illustrated sermons, and drama.  We also have worship and a time for prayer.

Classes at each service
Sundays at 9am
Wednesdays at 7pm

These children are so sensitive to the world around them, so we make sure to provide an inviting, warm place for them to learn exciting Bible lessons, sing fun worship songs and pray. We strive in providing the best for your child by having loving, caring teachers trained on child development waiting to serve you! 

Classes at each service
Sundays at 9am
Wednesdays at 7pm

We want your visit with us to be an enjoyable time, so we'd be more than happy to keep your little ones in diapers! We spend quality time with your child listening to worship music and helping them have fun. Each child is assigned a special I.D. number, in the event we need to call you from service. The number will appear on the monitor screen in the church sanctuary at the altar. A security monitor system is in every room for your child's safety.

Available on Sundays and Wednesdays

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@2020 by Vision Christian Center
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